Deals | FinReview


19 October 2021

27% of the World’s Jurisdictions Apply Common law

Central Asia is a region with significant investment potential. However, attracting international investment requires the creation of certain conditions. One of these conditions is the rule of law

2 July 2020

How do development banks and investment banks help the national economy?

Small and medium-sized businesses account for 29.5% of the country’s total production volume, while about 3.4 million people are employed in this area. In the context of the

15 May 2020

Capital flight: how to keep bankroll in Kazakhstan?

During the growing crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the relevance of the return of capital illegally exported from Kazakhstan increased. Over the years of independence, its volume

29 April 2020

Gasoline price may rise by 30% to 2025

The share of oil in the cost of gasoline is only 11-14%, so its cheapening slightly affects the retail cost of fuel. Nevertheless, prices will increase in the

22 April 2020

Kazakhstan's economy, while maintaining current oil prices, will lose from 2.3% to 2.7% of GDP per year

But even in this situation, the accumulated international reserves of Kazakhstan will allow supporting the national economy for 15 years. That is, Kazakhstan has great potential to survive

18 December 2019

Kazakhstan may increase agricultural revenues by $6 billion

For the ten months of 2019, agricultural exports amounted to $ 2.6 billion, and the share of the total volume was only 5.4%. That is, agriculture has a