The total assets of second-tier bank of RK increased by 6% over the year and at the end of January 2019 amounted to more than 25 trillion tenge | FinReview
12 March 2019

The total assets of second-tier bank of RK increased by 6% over the year and at the end of January 2019 amounted to more than 25 trillion tenge

First Heartland Bank is leading in terms of annual growth in the volume of assets: in 2 times, to 274.9 billion tenge. The second place is occupied by Halyk Bank with an annual growth of 83.6% by the end of January 2019, to 8.7 trillion tenge. The top 3 Islamic Bank Zaman-Bank closes with an annual growth of 67.4% to 24.6 billion tenge.