Investment income of UAPF for the first month amounted to almost 19 bln tenge – 40% more than a year before | FinReview
6 March 2019

Investment income of UAPF for the first month amounted to almost 19 bln tenge – 40% more than a year before

The pension assets of the UAPF at the end of January 2019 reached 9.6 trillion tenge, the increase was up to 22.8% year-on-year. For the same period a year before, theassets amount was equal to 7.8 trillion tenge, with an annual growth of 16.5%.

The largest increase in the assets for the corresponding period was observed in 2016: immediately to 30.3%.

In the investment portfolio of the UAPF the largest share is held by the government securities: 4.2 tln tenge, the increase up to 19.8% for the year.

Investments to the in the Securities of the Kazakhstan’s organizations increased by 22.3% year-on-year and amounted to 2.8 trillion tenge.
The overnment securities of the foreign national securities reached 1.2 tln tenge, with an annual growth of 12.6%.

The deposit commitments and other financial instruments amounted to 862.4 bln and 581.3 bln tenge, respectively.

On February 4, 2019, the National Bank put forward a bill aimed at providing the investors with the right to choose a management company; create a competitive environment in the market of collective investments and opportunities to enter the domestic securities market of the institutional investors in the person of organizations engaged in investment management of the pension assets; gradual reduction of the state monopoly and the formation of a market management system of the citizens’ private pension savings.

In January this year, the investment income of the UAPF amounted to 18.6 bln tenge – by 40.4% more than in the same period a year before (13.2 bln tenge).

The largest part in incomes is a cash flow in the form of remuneration for securities, including deposits floated and “reverse RP” operations: 51.8 bln tenge, the increase of 15.4% year-on-year.

The incomes from the external management and other incomes amounted to 0.3 bln and 1.7 bln tenge, respectively.

For the first month of 2019 there has been losses observed from the foreign currency revaluation losses: – 28.7 bln tenge (a year before -57.6 billion tenge), and from the market revaluation of securities: -6.5 bln tenge (a year before – 28.4 bln tenge).